So, I was debating on whether to actually do a hill climb on New Year's day.....(yea, I know right?) I've worked hard all winter on my climbing. My new coach is trying to get 'an old voice' out of my head and get me to start believing in myself more. He said...'you need to climb, 'cause that's your ticket.' Never thought I'd hear that! So, getting the 3rd place in the Women's 1/2/3 hill climb (as a Cat 3) was certainly a confidence booster.
So, in the picture, I'm not riding on my 'old' bike....which is certainly a very nice bike...my Giant, carbon bike. It was starting to see its' days after having put over 25,000 miles on it over the last 4 years. I also knew that, being serious about the sport, I needed to purchase a TT bike. So, my friend Nikky Wangsgard, who rides for the Women's Pro Colavita team, hooked me up with a good deal on her old TT bike and a used 2008 race bike from the Pro Women's team. It's the Jamis Xenith SL. So, this race was its' virgin ride.....I couldn't believe how light it was and the acceleration I got out of it. I'm going to LOVE racing on it this year! I've turned my Giant into my commuting/training bike. It's got all the heavy stuff on it.....bike lights, heavy wheels, fenders (when it rains), etc.
I finally feel like I'm finding my groove in my new life here in NorCal. I'm sooo excited to be here and I'm way excited for this year's race season!